UX@UA turns 5 years old on August 24, 2022! Whether you've been with us since the beginning or just learned about us, come join us to connect and celebrate. This event is virtual, though we welcome you to BYOB for our birthday toast, and BYOC (bring your own cake) because what's a birthday party without cake?
We'll kick things off at 5pm with some exciting announcements from organizers, looking back at our accomplishments and forward to what’s to come.
The theme is 5, so around 5:05 pm we will randomly assign you to 5 minute breakout rooms with 5(ish) people and 5 question prompts for you to meet 5 UX friends! Newcomers always welcome. You don't need prior UX experience and you don't have to be associated with the University of Arizona to participate. We're a friendly bunch and all are welcome.