Accessibility Conundrums: Global Accessibility Awareness Day

Global Accessibility Awareness Day


4:30 – 6 p.m., May 19, 2022

Watch Zoom recording

We know that good design is equitable and inclusive, so how do we get there?  

In our May UX@UA meetup, we’ll explore real-life challenges that UX designers face when pursuing accessible design. If you’re curious about designing inclusive digital experiences, promoting accessibility to stakeholders, and meeting diverse user needs, our Global Accessibility Awareness Day 2022: Accessibility Conundrums meetup will give you the knowledge and resources to get started.

Our presenters are:

  • Albert Kim, Accessibility Lead
    Albert Kim is an Accessibility Consultant & Trainer who worked as UX Accessibility Lead at Korn Ferry and Accessibility Subject Matter Expert at ServiceNow Design System Team to achieve digital accessibility beyond the legal compliance. Also, Albert is an active public speaker advocating for the Neurodiversity & Mental Health inclusion in the Digital Accessibility work.
  • Heather Burns, Accessibility Consultant at Equal Entry
    Heather Burns regularly provides training, project management, as well as software and hardware testing for a diverse client base, all to improve the ability of individuals with disabilities to use products and services. At Microsoft, she worked on the accessibility of Windows and the Office family of products, becoming a co-inventor of UIAutomation (US Patents 7,644,367 & 7,490,313).
  • Kara Gaulrapp, Senior Web Accessibility Analyst at the University of Pennsylvania
    Kara Gaulrapp is a longtime advocate for digital literacy and inclusion. At Penn, she leads its web accessibility initiative and manages the compliance of its digital spaces and tools. Before Penn, she worked at EdTech startups and other mission-driven organizations in various development and creative roles.

All are welcome and you don't have to be affiliated with the University of Arizona to participate. We can’t wait to see you there!

What to expect:

  • Join us at 4:30pm PT / 7:30pm ET to kick things off with opt-in breakout rooms. The presentations will start 15 minutes in.
  • We'll enable live transcription. 
  • If you need any accommodations to participate and feel welcomed, please message the Meetup organizers in advance to let them know of any access needs or considerations.

Learn about Global Accessibility Awareness Day.

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