The UXPA Arizona Chapter and UX in AZ are co-organizing this event for World Usability Day. This year's theme is human-centered artificial intelligence (AI).
Agenda: Speakers, Raffles, Workshops and Fun
Speaker 1:
Lance Gharavi, Associate Professor at Arizona State University
Where They Come From: Theses on Robots and the Cultural Imaginary
The Center for Human, Artificial Intelligence, and Robot Teaming (CHART) and Ars Robotica, an initiative for advancing research in robotics and AI through the methods and insights of the arts, are collaborating to create a new laboratory. Funded by the Office of Naval Research, the laboratory is a testbed for experiments into distributed human, AI, and robot teaming, including swarms of ground robots and networked UAVs.
It is also an art installation.
Experimental artist Dr. Lance Gharavi describes the concepts that inform this project, articulating the ways in which the narratives and representations that populate our imaginations, and the histories in which they’re entangled, continue to shape our encounters with robots in the laboratory and beyond.
Lance Gharavi is an experimental artist, scholar, Associate Professor in the School of Music, Dance and Theatre, Associate Director of the Interplanetary Initiative at Arizona State University, Director of the art/science collective St. Bird and the Ars Robotica initiative, and Executive Director of the Centre for Applied Eschatology.
An early pioneer in the field of digital performance, Gharavi specializes in leading collaborative, transdisciplinary teams of artists, scientists, designers, and engineers to create original and innovative experiences. His efforts make scientific research and history legible to the general public, query the implications of scientific theories and technological innovations, and develop ways for transdisciplinary teams to collaborate to advance research and produce compelling experiences.
Speaker 2:
Ken Kuzdas, Sr. Director of Neudesic, Workplace
A Pragmatist's Guide to AI
We've all seen the potential of AI in film and imagined the possibilities of AI in our daydreams, but how many of us actually know how to apply AI to benefit our real life? As a pragmatist, I'll provide a guide on how AI works today and demonstrate a real life example of how AI can be designed for the benefit of everyday people.
Proven business leader in maximizing the potential of team members, accountable for the growth of technology services and assisting Fortune 500 enterprises in maximizing their business efficiency. Public speaker and thought leader, including dozens of presentations across the country each year, ranging from Digital Workplace to Artificial Intelligence. Father of six with a passion for enterprise application architecture and development. Well versed in enterprise cloud architectures and applications, especially around Artificial Intelligence and Digital Workplace applications.
Neudesic, GoDaddy, UX in AZ, UXPA, Techsmith, Axure, PartsTech