World Interaction Design Day: Trust & Responsibility



4:30 – 6 p.m., Sept. 24, 2019

Let's celebrate World Interaction Design Day, an annual event where "we come together as a united global community to show how interaction design improves the human condition." Speakers will present short lightning talks around this year's theme, "Trust & Responsibility."

Speakers include:
- Zuleima Cota, executive assistant at the College of Humanities and recent graduate of the School of Information
- Khailill Knight-Papaioannou, UA Design Lab intern
- Bob Liu, UX designer at UA Libraries
- Jenny Xu, graduate student at the School of Information and UX student assistant at UA Libraries

Networking begins at 4:30pm and the official program will start around 4:45pm.

Frog and Firkin serves food and drinks, so bring your appetite. It is also wheelchair accessible and on the streetcar route. Newcomers and all ages are always welcome - bring a friend or colleague and see you there!

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