Inclusive design & accessibility

Principles of inclusive design

We want our designs to work for as many people as possible. This is a core principle of UX: designing for inclusion.

"Accessibility" refers to a user's ability to access a service, website, space, or product. Accessibility is a critical component of inclusive design, and often focuses on people with disabilities who might be using assistive technology.

Some core principles:

  • Our designs should reflect and accommodate the full range of human experience.
  • Accessible design benefits everyone, since everyone can gain and lose abilities over the course of their day as well as their lifetime. Curb cuts, for example, benefit wheelchair users as well as people rolling shopping carts.
  • Good designs allow for a diversity of ways for people to participate (e.g. tactically, visually).
  • Disability is context dependent and refers to a mismatch between a person and a thing they are interacting with.

Checking for accessibility

Diving deeper